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Knowledge & inspiration

Magnets Convince with their diverse possible uses and their supportive effects in everyday life. In combination with stylish Jewelry Connect aesthetics and function in a unique way. Discover exciting topics about the power of the magnets and their special meaning for our well -being.

Die Kraft der Magnete: Wie das Magnetfeld der Erde uns hilft

The power of the magnets: how the earth's magnetic field helps us

Die Kraft der Magnete: Wie das Magnetfeld der Erde uns hilft

The power of the magnets: how the earth's magnetic field helps us

We have been fascinated by magnets for a long time. They are not only practical in technology, they also have an impact on nature and well -being. Here you can find out why the magnetic field of th...

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Die Kraft der Chakra-Farben

The power of the chakra colors

Colorful, colorful, chakra - because every energy center not only has its own meaning, but also its own color design. The colors are not chosen by chance. We would now like to bring you a little cl...

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Chakra: Die 7 Haupt-Chakren

Chakra: The 7 main chakras

Everyone has heard of Chakra before-most in esotericism or the last yoga lesson. But do you also know where the term chakra originally comes from, how many chakras there actually exists or that the...

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SCHUTZSCHILD DER ERDE: Rasante Magnetfeld-Umpolung verblüfft Geo-Forscher

Protective shield of the earth: rapid magnetic field-polling amazed geo-researcher

786,000 years ago, the earth's magnetic field changed direction by 180 degrees. The polarity apparently only lasted a hundred years and will repeat itself. Then people, power grids and satellites a...

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Warum Wasser für uns so wichtig ist!

Why water is so important for us!

Water - the source of all life. And nobody comes around them. Water is our most important food. In addition, it is inexpensive and has zero calories! Apart from nutrition, water is necessary for ou...

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Sonne & Sonnenvitamine – warum du Vitamin D3 kennen solltest!

Sun & sun vitamins - why you should know vitamin D3!

Fueling a good atmosphere, that's it now. Are you longing for the sun too? Sun, it just puts you in a good mood. The world gets such a ray, the carefree feeling of vacation is in the air. These tim...

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Baum des Lebens – Ein Baum voller Bedeutung

Tree of life - a tree full of importance

The Tree of Life meets us all over the world. Be it as a jewelry motif, in architecture or in the fashion world.  But the symbolism behind the apparently simple tree is much deeper than you like to...

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Erste Hilfe bei Rücken- und Nackenschmerzen

First aid for back and neck pain

Out is in fashion - because we somehow have "back"It's a cross with your back, isn't it? Sometimes you want a delicate doctor. Or even better: a wonderful massage for the back and neck. Experienced...

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Müde, schwere Beine? So machst du es dir endlich leichter!

Tired, heavy legs? So you finally make it easier for yourself!

Heavy legs are characterized by a feeling of discomfort and/or pain in the legs. There are several ways to relieve feet and legs while walking and standing - so before time is to put on. If you wor...

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